Adrian Pierce Rogers was born in West Palm Beach, Florida on September 12, 1931. It was there that he felt the call to the ministry and surrendered his life to the Lord as a high school football star.
Adrian was subsequently ordained to the ministry by his church when he was a 19-year-old college student. God granted his prayer in a mighty way!
After serving several pastorates in his native Florida, Rogers came to be the Senior Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church of Memphis, Tennessee in 1972. He served in this ministry for 32 distinguished years, during which time Bellevue grew to become one of the nation's largest churches, with more than 29,000 members. He was also elected three times as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the world's largest Protestant denomination. He held the distinction of being the only man to be elected three times to this office.
In 1987, Dr. Rogers extended his teaching ministry to an international audience when he founded Love Worth Finding Ministries--which has become one of the premier Christian broadcast ministries. From its debut with a one-hour television broadcast on 17 stations and a 30-minute radio broadcast on 19 radio stations, today Love Worth Finding can be heard weekly on a worldwide television network of over 14,000 outlets and daily broadcast of nearly 2,000 radio stations and translators.
The broadcasts can also be heard in more than 150 countries around the world, including the Spanish broadcast, El Amor Que Vale.
In 2001, Dr. Rogers celebrated 50 years in the ministry. He and Joyce, his wife of 54 years, have four children: Stephen, Gayle, David and Janice. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers also have nine grandchildren and one great grandchild. On November 15, 2005, Dr. Rogers was called home to be with the Lord.
Dr. Rogers was active in national leadership and personally consulted and prayed with five presidents of the United States. He visited and had the privilege of sharing the platform with President George W. Bush in the White House on the National Day of Prayer for America.
He wrote 18 books, and was also the editor of 49 published booklets (18 in Spanish) and 79 message albums that have ministered to people around the world.
Listen to Dr. Adrian Rogers' sermons on OnePlace.com